Assignment 2:
Similarities in Media Usage
I noticed many students including myself elected to take this class for similar reasons. One common theme I observed was the desire to learn about how technology and media has affected us in the past, present, and future. Ledet Awano, Merryll Dewabrata, and Samantha Hay are a few examples of others that shared this opinion. In addition, some students such as Jasmin Cho and Ross Hardin were interested in learning about User Interface design and the Computer Human Interaction aspect of Computer Science.
In terms of media usage, there were significant commonalities, with the most prominent device of media consumption being the smartphone. Popular services and apps used include YouTube, Netflix, Twitter. SnapChat and Spotify.
Sources: Nate Dunkley, Jack Friedberg, Karter Bullard, Kassandra Guzman
As a secondary tier, the next category of commonality I noticed was the Personal Computer / Laptop and Television to consume sports, shows, and play a wide range of video games.
Sources: Adalberto Gonzalez, Joe Hamburg